Op dit moment 30.11.2024–02.03.2025 Buhlebezwe Siwani ulwela amaza 22.01–02.03.2025 The One Minutes with the series FIXATIONS curated by BUTT magazine
Archief 23.10–24.10.2024 Giulia Damiani Heart Brake 24.07–07.09.2024 Publik Universal Frxnd (fka Richard John Jones) Soon as from earth I go 10.05–07.07.2024 Lydia Schouten Yes, There Will Be Singing In Dark Times 30.05–07.07.2024 Rosebud # 13 Elena Tejada-Herrera 22.12.2023–21.04.2024 Jo Baer Between the Lines (R.A.T.S. however...) 11.01–21.04.2024 Rosebud #12 Tina Farifteh Kitten of Vluchteling: wie staat er boven aan bovenaan de empathieladder?