Experiment and the continuation of the artwork in collections and estates

Several artworks by Lydia Schouten that are featured in her current exhibition are in the collection of RCE (National Cultural Heritage Agency). However, the performance videos How does it feel to be a sex object, I feel like boiled milk and the installation A virus of sadness are this time shown in a more experimental way than they were originally acquired.
The RCE has actively supported the further development of the performance videos. Does this happen more often, or is it exceptional for collections and artists to further develop the purchased work together? And how does this work? Curator Sylvia van Schaik of RCE and Lydia Schouten will dive into these questions. With the participation of Miriam Windhausen, art historian and expert on artists’ estates, the link to estates will be made.
The conversation will address the following questions: How do you breathe new life into a historical work? To what extent is the artist still free to develop or adapt his or her artwork after being bequeathed? What does it mean if an existing installation changes in composition or format after it has been donated? How do you deal with that as the owner of the work? What is the relationship of the new, alternative version to the original?
The documentary ‘Kissing Shattered Ghost Stories awake’ will also be shown. This gives an insight into the adaptation and restoration of Lydia’s installation Shattered Ghost Stories, which was on display at the Bonnefanten Museum last year.
We start at 19.30
Language: Dutch