20th Anniversary residency Chinese European Art Center

We would like to invite you to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Chinese European Art Center residency in Xiamen with us.
The residency was founded in 1999 by Ineke Gudmundsson in collaboration with the Xiamen University Art College and has since then received many Dutch and international artists. Gerald van der Kaap was one of their first residents in 2002 and returned to Xiamen many times afterwards. During this residency van der Kaap made the work Beyond Index, currently on show at Rozenstraat – a rose is a rose is a rose.
You can have a look at the exhibition from 5 pm. This will be followed by a few speeches and we will close in festive terms with drinks until 7 pm.
Gerald van der Kaap, Ineke and Siggi Gudmundsson are present, as well as the board members of the CEAC foundation, Chris Reinewald, Annelie Musters and Janwillem Schrofer.
Let us know if you’ll join us on January 3, please send a message to a.musters@ceac99.org